6.16.14 // pic post.


here are a few randoms since i've been here. there's a lot...but it's a month of catching up in a lot of cool places.

liza and ali.
 a shepherd in bethlehem.
 first field trip class pic.
 boys singing.
 gracie and liza.
 the girls.
 cole, angela, kyle @ garden tomb.
 i ruv him.
 brian-make the same face as the mask behind you.
 liza the pretty.
 me and ali w/rip off scarves.
 ali, brian, slater @ dome of the rock.
 guard in turkey.
 our trusty photographers.
 ma boo and ali.
 we find footstools for ali.
 he doesn't stop.
 kyle and val.
 i love her so. much.
 me and the babes of bethlehem. 
 ruins with lize.
 twertle race in turkey.
 they are totes pops with the turkish kids.
 we slammed that nutella and a basketball of hot bread for dinner.
bonfires in the jewish orthodox neighborhoods.
 turkey at night.
 more ruins...
 ali, grace, liza.
 yeah, ali found this in turkey. #jackpot.
 mosque getup.

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  1. Wow just a great blog, really. Aesthetically pleasing, nicely organized, GREAT color scheme, and pleasant photo posts. Really, big fan.

  2. Llllllooooovvvvveeee these photos. Especially the sign in the bus saying Carl Rasmussen! Haha! These are my favorite photos:
    - the shepherd in Bethlehem
    - the group photo at the Garden Tomb- perfect spot
    - the guard in Turkey
    - the photo of you with the large Turkish flag and Ali - amazing!
    - the empty container of Nutella :)
    - the bonfire in the Jewish Orthodox neighborhood

    You are looking so pretty and skinny- I hope you are enjoying every minute!!! Miss you!

  3. I'm so jealous of your adventures, it looks like you're having the best time!! Miss you Carl

    1. miss you too kate!! seriously, i tell liza all day how bad i want to have girl chat with you and hann. can't wait to see you this fall. xx.
