can I admit something embarrassing? I get
nervous when people start talking about the story of david and goliath. why?
because I have this irrational fear that they are going to point at me and
say—“yeah goliath was about as tall as you”. I would probably turn beet red and
hate myself. because what girl wants to be compared to the beastly giant in the
scriptures? not me. luckily…it hasn’t happened…yet. (p.s. you all need to know
that I love being tall. I just wouldn’t love being compared to giants).
so to my surprise. I’ve had two exceptional
experiences with the giant here in Jerusalem.
experience numero uno:
a few weeks ago we visited the valley of elah
(where they believe david fought goliath). brother belnap gave us a lesson
while looking out over the valley. he talked about the goliaths we are all
going to face throughout our lives. he guessed that some of us probably came to
Jerusalem to take a brake from our goliaths (yep). he taught us that these
goliath’s will always seem impossible to overcome in every way. however, when
we are living our lives in accordance with the Lord, and have his spirit with
us—we can have confidence and boldness in our trials. brother belnap expressed
his confidence in us. his confidence in who we are and our potential. he
understands and has taught us that we are the same type of being as God—and he sees that Godly potential in us. that
understanding that is powerful…(in my opinion at least).
experience numero dos:
in Sunday
school today, our lesson was also on…drumroll please…david and goliath. we read:
proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and
lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and He
shall direct thy paths.”
this might be one of the most comforting notions that I have come to understand in my life.
I know when we make our plans HIS plans, everything is going to work out. I
know when we work hard, and our hearts are good, great things happen. even when
we can’t see why things are the way they are, it’s okay because we can trust in
the man that knows it all. He understands it all. I also love the second half
of this scripture—acknowledging Him is key. I think it’s so important to
recognize when He is directing our paths (even though I think he usually always
is) because it makes us aware of his guidance. aware of his love.
we also read what david says to goliath
before the fight. it’s epic.
1 samuel 17:45-47
“Then said David to the Philistine, Thou
comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord
of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.
This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine
hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the
carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air; and
to the wild beasts of the earth; that
all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.
And all this assembly shall know that the
Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for
the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give you into our hands.”
I felt like such a boy when we read this, so
excited for the battle about to go down. I literally got pumped like I was
about to get thrown into the biggest volleyball game of my life. haha. but
seriously. why can’t we have that same courage, that same boldness, when facing
our goliath’s in life? josh leaned over to me after we read it and murmured
“God as Warrior” (a concept/description of God bro. belnap has talked about,
that we all think is pretty rad).
david’s goliath and our goliath’s aren’t
really all that different. and the best part is that God and our God are the
same. the Lord will fight our battles with us, and that is the best
weapon/protection…aka confidence…that one could ever ask for.
I heard a quote once that said something
along the lines of “act like it all depends on you, and pray like it all depends
on him”. I know when we do this, we will
be victorious.
the lesson ended with a quote by president
“There are Goliaths all around you, hulking
giants with evil intent to destroy you.
…You need not fear if you have the slingshot
of truth in your hands. You have been counseled and taught and advised. You
have the stones of virtue and honor and integrity to use against these enemies
who would like to conquer you. Insofar as you are concerned, you can hit them
“between the eyes,” to use a figurative expression. You can triumph over them
by disciplining yourselves to avoid them. You can say to the whole lot of them
as David said to Goliath, “Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and
with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of
the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.”
Victory will be yours. There is not a
[person] within the sound of my voice who needs to succumb to any of these
forces…You are a [child] of God. You have His power within you to sustain you.
You have the right to ministering angels about you to protect you. Do not let
Goliath frighten you. Stand your ground and hold your place, and you will be
triumphant. As the years pass, you will look back with satisfaction upon the
battles you have won in your individual lives.
When temptation comes your way, name that
boastful, deceitful giant “Goliath!” and do with him as David did to the
Philistine of Gath. God bless each of you, I humbly pray.”
amen to that.
I hope we can all face our goliath’s with
courage, and have the comfort in knowing that God our father is behind our efforts.
Thanks for the reminders of my time in jerusalem- I love it! Also some awesome stuff about 'facing our goliaths'- Leaving for girls camp monday and it's been crazy preparing and getting ready- totally my goliath right now- I love my new calling as stk yw president but sometimes it's really hard too. I thing proverbs 3:5-6 is my new motto for my upcoming week.
ReplyDeleteThanks Keely! It's so wonderful here, I'm excited that we can talk about it together now! And good luck with Girls Camp...I'm sure it will be hard. But you will love it.